Picked Apart: The Hidden Struggles of Migrant Worker Women in the Maryland Crab Industry

Picked Apart The Hidden Struggles of Migrant Worker Women in the Maryland Crab Industry

American University's Washington College of Law and the Centro de los Derechos del Migrante (Center for Migrant Rights) report on the lives of H-2B guestworkers in the Maryland crab industry. It is an excellent resource with lots of detailed information about housing conditions, common workplace injuries and sexual harassment. It also contains information on illegal … Read more Picked Apart: The Hidden Struggles of Migrant Worker Women in the Maryland Crab Industry

Health Policy Bulletin: Fall 2013

Summary of policy development that affect farmworker health and access to health care. This issue focuses on the role of farmworker women in connecting communities to health care.

Farmworker Women and HIV: A Series of Fotonovelas

Farmworker Women and HIV

Fotonovelas that detail various HIV/AIDS-related situations for female farmworkers. Fotonovelas include: Comadre (Spanish only) A Light at the Store/Una Luz en la Tienda (English and Spanish) Married Women Can Get HIV Too/Mujeres Casadas Tambien Pueden Contraer VIH (English and Spanish) Reality/La Realidad (English and Spanish)