Farmworker Youth and HIV: A Series of Fotonovelas

Farmworker Youth and HIV

Fotonovelas that detail various HIV/AIDS-related situations for  farmworker youth. Fotonovelas include: The Gift of a Lifetime/El Regalo de Toda Una Vida (English and Spanish) Rude Awakening/Un Cruel Despertar (English and Spanish) Man…Protect Yourself/Hombre…Protégete (English and Spanish)

Farmworker Women and HIV: A Series of Fotonovelas

Farmworker Women and HIV

Fotonovelas that detail various HIV/AIDS-related situations for female farmworkers. Fotonovelas include: Comadre (Spanish only) A Light at the Store/Una Luz en la Tienda (English and Spanish) Married Women Can Get HIV Too/Mujeres Casadas Tambien Pueden Contraer VIH (English and Spanish) Reality/La Realidad (English and Spanish)

In Your Hands: Preventing Skin Cancer

In Your Hands Preventing Skin Cancer

A fact sheet for workers answering basic questions about what skin cancer is, risk factors for developing skin cancer, symptoms, and prevention methods.

ACA Curriculum for Promotores de Salud

ACA Curriculum for Promotores de Salud

A curriculum for promotores de salud on the ACA. The curriculum trains promotores to answer basic questions from community members about the ACA and where to refer workers for additional resources in their community.