
October 15 2012

A letter from Ramon Ramierz, Chair of Board of Directors. National Latino AIDS Awareness Day (NLAAD) was established in response to the impact of HIV and AIDS in the Hispanic/Latino communities and serves as a national community mobilization and social … Read more National Latino AIDS Awareness Day: United to End AIDS

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October 09 2012

Our annual wine tasting enables our friends and supporters to come together for an enjoyable evening. It is also an engaging way for Farmworker Justice to promote wines from companies where farmworkers have a voice, receive fair wages and work … Read more Farmworker Justice’s Socially Responsible Wine Tasting: Join us on November 14th

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October 05 2012

Farmworker Justice, a national advocacy organization for the rights of farmworkers, today praised President Obama’s dedication of a new monument to civil rights and labor leader César E. Chávez in Keene, California. Bruce Goldstein, President of Farmworker Justice, made the … Read more Farmworker Justice Applauds Establishment of New César E. Chávez National Monument

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August 30 2012

Washington, D.C. – Today the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reconfirmed that all sales of the pesticide azinphos-methyl (AZM) will be banned after September 30, 2012. AZM is a highly neurotoxic insecticide that attacks the human brain and nervous system. However, … Read more EPA Bans Sale of AZM: AZM Exposure has Poisioned Farmworkers & Familes

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August 30 2012

With the nation’s attention focused on Tampa Bay for the Republican Convention, Mitt Romney’s party has adopted a platform on immigration policy that is increasingly focused on enforcement and “self deportation.” The party also called for a new “guest worker … Read more Farmworker Justice’s OpEd: We’re a nation of immigrants, not ‘guests’

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August 11 2012

Protecting Workers While your July 26 article about agricultural labor (“North Carolina wary of possible farm labor shortage”) accurately conveyed the agenda of many growers, it’s disheartening to read an article about farm work that lacks a discussion of the … Read more Farmworker Justice’s Letter to the Editor: Protect Workers

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August 08 2012

Matt O'Brien's recent article on a perceived agricultural labor shortage ("California farmers fear labor shortage," Aug. 1) shies away from presenting the most obvious solution to the problem. Farmers, like employers in any other industry, should work to attract and … Read more Farmworker Justice’s Letter to the Editor: Pay more, get more workers

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