In Honor of National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day 2014

National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day is a national campaign to raise awareness about HIV and its impact on women and girls. It is observed on 10 March and Farmworker Justice is proud to work with our Act Against AIDS Leadership Initiative (AAALI) partners, ASPIRA and National Hispanic Council on Aging (NHCOA) to promote this important day.

As a way to raise awareness in our community, Farmworker Justice, ASPIRA, and NHCOA collected a series of thoughts and reactions on HIV/AIDS and its impact on women and girls from our staff, partner AAALI organizations, organizations we work with nationally and in the field, constituents, and individuals. The thoughts ranged from a few words to page long reactions, poems, and memories. From each submission we created a word cloud image of a hand, and then used each hand to create a larger image of a tree to symbolize courage and strength, life and growth.

To view each individual word cloud image, please visit Farmworker Justice's Facebook page.


Thank you to all the people and organizations that supported this initiative! It is only through partnerships, support, education, and discussion that we will overcome this disease.

100 Black Men of America
Ann Watson
Caitlin Ruppel
Center for Black Equity
Farmworker Justice
Jessie Durrett
Katharine Carey
Kattrina Merlo
Maria Olivas
Merlyn Perez
National Hispanic Council on Aging
Rural Women's Health Project
Sea Mar Community Health Centers
Southwest Key Programs
University of North Carolina Health Behavior MPH: Class of 2013
Valentina Stackl
Virginia Ruiz
Ventanilla de Salud – Calexico
Ventanilla de Salud – Seattle