Salud laboral y medioambiental

Read in English/Leer en inglés La agricultura es una de las profesiones más peligrosas del país. Los trabajadores agrícolas tienen pocas protecciones federales de seguridad en el lugar de trabajo; sólo unos pocos estados, California, Oregón y Washington entre ellos, proporcionan protecciones adicionales. Una pequeña parte de los trabajadores se benefician de los convenios colectivos … Read more Salud laboral y medioambiental

Acceso a la atención sanitaria

Read in English/Leer en inglés Según los datos de los centros de salud, aproximadamente el 25% de los trabajadores agrícolas y sus familiares acuden a un centro de salud comunitario. Los centros de salud comunitarios que atienden a los trabajadores agrícolas y sus familias (comúnmente llamados centros de salud para migrantes) reciben fondos federales en … Read more Acceso a la atención sanitaria

Preventing sexual harassment and violence

Breaking the Silence Rompiendo el Silencio   About the film Breaking the Silence (Rompiendo el Silencio) is a powerful training film created to help farmworker organizations reduce sexual harassment and violence on the nation’s farms. To reach the diverse farmworker community, the film is available in Spanish, Spanish with English subtitles, and Mixteco. Breaking the … Read more Preventing sexual harassment and violence


Leer en español/Read in Spanish Health is a basic need and right for everyone. Farmworkers’ living and working conditions contribute to poor health outcomes. However, farmworkers and their families face numerous challenges to health care access. These challenges include lack of health insurance, lack of familiarity with the U.S. health care system, transportation, cultural and … Read more Health

Farmworker Living and Working Conditions

Substandard housing, inadequate waste and garbage disposal, dietary and environmental exposures to lead, industrial pollution of air and water, and the widespread use of agricultural pesticides are a few examples of hazards that pose serious, preventable health risks to farmworker families. Poor migrant housing conditions negatively impact the health of farmworkers and their children. Health … Read more Farmworker Living and Working Conditions

Occupational and Environmental Health

Leer en español/Read in Spanish Agriculture consistently ranks as one of the most hazardous occupations in the nation. Farmworkers have few federal workplace safety protections; only a few states, California and Washington among them, provide additional protections. A small fraction of workers benefit from union collective bargaining agreements, which require additional safety measures. Among the … Read more Occupational and Environmental Health

Farmworker Health Issues

Leer en español/Read in Spanish Farmworkers and their families face numerous health issues due to their living and working conditions, including diabetes, HIV/STIs, and skin cancer. Farmworker Justice’s health promotion projects focus on capacity building, training and technical assistance, and information-sharing to empower farmworkers to improve their health. ReUnidos: Farmworker Connections to Skin Cancer Care … Read more Farmworker Health Issues

Health Care Access

Leer en español/Read in Spanish According to health center data, approximately 25% of farmworkers and their family members seek health care at a community health center. Community health centers that serve farmworkers and their families (commonly called migrant health centers) receive federal funds under Section 330(g) of the Public Health Service Act. This funding is … Read more Health Care Access