MICHIGAN - Workers’ Rights

Definition of agricultural worker under state law:

• For the purposes of the overtime law in Michigan’s Improved Workforce Opportunity Wage Act, “[a]n “employee employed in agriculture” is defined at MICH. COMP. LAWS § 408.934a(4)(e).

• For the purposes of Michigan’s Employment Security Act, “agricultural labor” is defined at MICH. COMP. LAWS § 421.43.

Wages and Overtime

Minimum Wage


State Enforcement Agency

Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs – Wage & Hour Division

Website: https://www.michigan.gov/lara 

Occupational Safety and Health

Workers’ Compensation

State Enforcement Agency:
Workers’ Compensation Agency, Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs 

Website: https://www.michigan.gov/wca/0,4682,7-191-26917—,00.html

Field Sanitation

State Enforcement Agency:
Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) 

Website: https://www.michigan.gov/leo/0,5863,7-336-78421_11407-102879–,00.html

Fact sheet: https://www.michigan.gov/documents/dleg/deleg_wsh_AGRICULTURAL_FIELD_SANITATION_018_344588_7.pdf

Pesticide Safety

State Enforcement and Reporting Agencies:

Department of Health & Human Services

Website: https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/

Department of Agriculture & Rural Development (Pesticide and Plant Management Division)
Website: https://www.michigan.gov/mdard/0,4610,7-125-1572_2875-8324–,00.html


Right to Join Unions and Collective Bargaining in Agriculture

State Legal Services Organizations

Farmworker Legal Services of Michigan

Michigan Immigrant Rights Center

Migrant Legal Aid